Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

Seriously Funny


The Place Is Babbington, That Is to Say Nowhere

Death Can Do No More Than Kill You

No Fusion Between These Souls

A Person I Hate in Particular

On Certain People Who Are Beyond Help

Angel Confers with Her Publisher

Valéry on Fashion and Art

Little Satisfaction in Posthumous Fame

Little Satisfaction in Posthumous Fame

I am too fond of myself to be able to see myself objectively. I wish I knew for certain what I am and how much I am worth. There are such possibilities about the situation; it may turn out tremendously, or else explode in a soap bubble. It is the torture of Tantalus to be so uncertain. I should be relieved to know even the worst. I would almost gladly burn my MSS in the pleasure of having my curiosity satisfied. I go from the nadir of disappointment to the zenith of hope and back several times a week, and all the time I am additionally harassed by the perfect consciousness that it is all petty and pusillanimous to desire to be known and appreciated, that my ambition is a morbid diathesis of the mind. I am not such a fool either as not to see that there is but little satisfaction in posthumous fame, and I am not such a fool as not to realise that all fame is fleeting, and that the whole world itself is passing.

Wilhelm Nero Pilate Barbellion
(Bruce Frederick Cummings)
The Journal of a Disappointed Man

The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2013 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.