Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

A Person I Hate in Particular

On Certain People Who Are Beyond Help

Angel Confers with Her Publisher

Valéry on Fashion and Art

Little Satisfaction in Posthumous Fame

Let Us Go Back, If We Can

Angel: Novelist in Trouble

The Satirist Is Usually a Pretty Unpopular Fellow

On Washing One's Hands of All That

As It Is with Chowder, So It Is with Love

As It Is with Chowder, So It Is with Love

In the manner of a chowder, which is a complex and subtle mixture of elemental foodstuffs, the emotion that we call love is a bewildering and varied concoction of more elemental emotions: lust, friendship, curiosity, guilt, and fear, among others. Tastes in chowders vary from person to person, from nation to nation, from region to region; one’s own taste in chowder changes over the course of one’s lifetime, and it may even shift from day to day. So it is with tastes in love. Some like theirs chock full of voluptuous scarlet tomatoes; others prefer something rarer, more exotic, heady with saffron; and still others like theirs bland and sturdy, with cream and potatoes.

Peter Leroy, Take the Long Way Home

Take the Long Way Home

The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2013 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.