Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

Let Us Go Back, If We Can

Angel: Novelist in Trouble

The Satirist Is Usually a Pretty Unpopular Fellow

On Washing One's Hands of All That

As It Is with Chowder, So It Is with Love

My Thoughts Wash Woefully up Against Their Limits

We Have No Particular Place to Go

Memory by Numbers

Will Trade Small Manuscript for Fat Field

The Graduate School of Social Consciousness

The Graduate School of Social Consciousness

England remained, until late in the previous century, the graduate school of social consciousness. From there, Barbier brought back his cycle of poems entitled Lazare <Lazarus> and Gavarni his sequence Ce qu’on voit gratis à Londres, <What Can Be Seen for Free in London>, together with his character Thomas Vireloque, the figure of hopeless destitution.

Walter Benjamin
The Arcades Project

The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2013 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.