Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

Girls Versus Chairs, a Treat to Watch

Larry Peters and the Mumps

Vignelli on Clarity

Marcel Stands on Uneven Paving Stones

The Secret to Liking One's Fellow Creatures

A Book Is the Product of a Different Self

A Bold, Fearless Man

The Future Was to Be a Laborious Business

Art Honors One's Innermost Self

Europe and Eliza: A Great Opportunity for Me

Europe and Eliza: A Great Opportunity for Me

   This was a surprise. Europe. She wanted me to join her for an extended stay in Europe. Of course. She understood that I had always been attracted to her, and she had developed an attraction for me, but Babbington was no place to carry on a liaison with a boy considerably less than half her age. On the other hand, from what I’d heard Europe was just the place. This would be a great opportunity for me. I would learn a lot from Europe and from Eliza. I would be richer for the experience. I would have stories to tell when I returned. I would stand out from all the Babbington boys who had never traveled through Europe with Eliza. Patti would notice my European patina, my worldly air, savvy and cynical demeanor, my je ne sais quoi. It would be wonderful.

Peter Leroy
Inflating a Dog


The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2014 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.