Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

Life Is What We Make of It

Girls Versus Chairs, a Treat to Watch

Larry Peters and the Mumps

Vignelli on Clarity

Marcel Stands on Uneven Paving Stones

The Secret to Liking One's Fellow Creatures

A Book Is the Product of a Different Self

A Bold, Fearless Man

The Future Was to Be a Laborious Business

Art Honors One's Innermost Self

Art Honors One's Innermost Self

   It is the secretion of one’s innermost life, written in solitude and for oneself alone, that one gives to the public. What one bestows on private life. . . is the product of a quite superficial self, not of the innermost self which one can only recover by putting aside the world and the self that frequents the world; that innermost self which has waited while one was in company, which one feels certain is the only real self, and which artists — and they only — end by living for, like a god whom they less and less often depart from, and to whom they have sacrificed a life that has no purpose except to do him honour.

Marcel Proust
“The Method of Sainte-Beuve,” in Contre Sainte-Beuve
(translated by Sylvia Townsend Warner)


The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2014 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.