Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

Marcel Stands on Uneven Paving Stones

The Secret to Liking One's Fellow Creatures

A Book Is the Product of a Different Self

A Bold, Fearless Man

The Future Was to Be a Laborious Business

Art Honors One's Innermost Self

Europe and Eliza: A Great Opportunity for Me

To Be Approved for What One Is

When a Man Sits Down to Write . . .

S. Josephine Baker on the Smith Brothers

S. Josephine Baker on the Smith Brothers

    There are all sorts of memories which come back to me of those carefree days. . . . There was Smith’s candy store on Market Street. It is still there but without the presence of William and Andrew Smith with their delectable beards and their great sense of fine citizenship. They may be known now as “Trade” and “Mark,” but to me they were great men and their generosity to the town remains as their monument. There was the old barn on Church Street where they were beginning to manufacture the cough drops which were to make them famous, then little known and made in a primitive way. We children used to go in to watch the black drops coming slowly out on narrow sheets of tin and always went away with our pockets full.

S. Josephine Baker
Fighting for Life


The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2014 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.