

For Projects in All Media 
  • Consulting 
    • Establishing Communications Strategies 
    • Scheduling 
    • Establishing Personnel Requirements 
    • Defining Specifications and Guidelines 
    • Designing Efficient Procedures 
    • Planning for the Unexpected 
  • Project Management 
    • Maintaining Schedules 
    • Maintaining Quality 
    • Tracking Development 
    • Allocating Personnel 
    • Training Personnel 
    • Coping with the Unexpected 
  • Editorial Development 
    • Writing 
    • Editing 
  • Design & Production 
    • Text Design 
    • Art Rendering 
    • Composition and Page Makeup 

Development of Interactive Multimedia 

  • Designing Program Elements 
  • Designing User Interface 
  • Authoring 
  • Prototyping 
  • Field Testing 
World Wide Web Sites 
  • Evaluating the Editorial Content of a Site
    • reading and reviewing an existing site or content draft for a site and preparing a written report that addresses the client’s specific concerns, such as competition, audience, organization, navigation, and ease of use
    • making suggestions about content, organization, navigation, and presentation, based on analysis of competing sites, comments of expert reviewers, the client’s market analysis, and other appropriate references
    • producing a plan for rewriting, writing, and researching, as needed
  • Writing
    • producing original site content from notes, outline, research, interviews, experience, or general guidelines
    • working with the client to develop site content from initial concept, outline, draft, or some combination of the three, through every draft stage
  • Rewriting Existing Copy
    • adapting materials from another medium (such as print advertising or brochures) to site use while preserving the original meaning, tone, and style as much as possible
    • adding original copy
    • reorganizing copy
    • collaborating with other writers and editors
    • producing an improved draft
  • Substantive or Developmental Editing of Copy
    • identifying and solving problems of overall clarity or accuracy
    • reorganizing sections, pages, and page copy to improve the order in which the text is presented
    • writing or rewriting segments of text to improve readability and flow of information
    • revising any or all aspects of the text to improve its presentation
    • consulting with others about issues of concern
    • incorporating responses to queries and suggestions
    • creating a new draft of the document
    • organizing information to enhance ease of navigation, access, and understanding by site users
  • Researching
    • gathering and verifying information to develop all or part of the editorial content of a site
  • Copy Editing
    • correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and word usage while preserving the meaning and voice of the original text
    • checking for and implementing a consistent style and format
    • preparing a style sheet that documents style and format
    • reading for overall clarity and sense on behalf of the prospective audience
    • working with the appropriate parties to correct apparent errors or inconsistencies
    • noting permissions needed to publish copyrighted material
    • preparing a manuscript for the next stage of the site development process
    • cross-checking references, art, figures, tables, and other features for consistency with their mention in the text
. Eric Kraft
Editorial Director

Madeline Kraft 
Business Director