Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

As It Is with Chowder, So It Is with Love

My Thoughts Wash Woefully up Against Their Limits

We Have No Particular Place to Go

Memory by Numbers

Will Trade Small Manuscript for Fat Field

The Graduate School of Social Consciousness

A Principle of Child Rearing

She Was Proud, My Mother

The Analog “I” and the Metaphor “Me"

Easy Come, Easy Go

Easy Come, Easy Go

      Suppose you’re walking along one day on your way to school, and you find a dollar bill on the sidewalk in front of you. You bend over and pick it up. What do you do with it? Put it in the bank? No. Turn it in to the principal? Uh-uh. Stick it into the Red Cross box outside the nurse’s office? Heck,no. I’ll tell you what you probably do. You probably stop at the candy store and spend the dollar buying wax teeth for the whole gang. Later, when you get home after school, you tell your mother how lucky you were.
      “HeyMom!” you shout. “I found a dollar on the way to school!”
      “Aren’t you lucky!” she says. “Where is it?”
      “Huh?” you say. “Oh, I spent it on wax teeth.”
      She gives you a look you’ve seen before, and suddenly the truth hits you. You realize that the dollar is gone and you’ll never get it back again. You’re left standing there with a mouthful of wax teeth and an empty pocket, wondering how you can sum up the lesson you’ve learned.

Peter Leroy
The Young Tars

The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2013 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.