Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

My Thoughts Wash Woefully up Against Their Limits

We Have No Particular Place to Go

Memory by Numbers

Will Trade Small Manuscript for Fat Field

The Graduate School of Social Consciousness

A Principle of Child Rearing

She Was Proud, My Mother

The Analog “I” and the Metaphor “Me"

Easy Come, Easy Go

I Wanted to Read Something About the Happy Life

I Wanted to Read Something About the Happy Life

      There was a thread of light under Romachkin’s door. Kostia went in. Romachkin was reading — in bed, because of the cold. Gray Heather covered the windowpanes. “What are you reading, Romachkin? It’s cold in here. It’s wonderful outdoors, you have no idea!”
      “I wanted to read something about the happy life. But there are no books on the subject. Why have none been written? Don’t writers know any more about it than I do? Don’t they want to know what it is, as I do?”
Kostia was amused. What a man!
      “All I could find was this — in a secondhand bookstore. It’s a very old book and very beautiful . . . Paul and Virginia. It happens on an island full of happy birds and plants; they are young and pure and love each other . . . it’s unbelievable.”

Victor Serge
The Case of Comrade Tulayev

The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2013 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.