Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

We Have No Particular Place to Go

Memory by Numbers

Will Trade Small Manuscript for Fat Field

The Graduate School of Social Consciousness

A Principle of Child Rearing

She Was Proud, My Mother

The Analog “I” and the Metaphor “Me"

Easy Come, Easy Go

I Wanted to Read Something About the Happy Life

Pessoa Sacrifices His Personality to His "Others"

Pessoa Sacrifices His Personality to His "Others"

     Each of the more enduring personalities, lived by the author within himself, was given an expressive nature and made the author of one or more books whose ideas, emotions, and literary art have no relationship to the real author (or perhaps only apparent author, since we don’t know what reality is) except insofar as he served, when he wrote them, as the medium of the characters he created.
     Neither this work nor those to follow have anything to do with the man who writes them. He doesn’t agree or disagree with what’s in them. He writes as if he were being dictated to. And as if the person dictating were a friend (and for that reason could freely ask him to write down what he dictates), the writer finds the dictation interesting, perhaps just out of friendship.
     The human author of these books has no personality of his own. Whenever he feels a personality well up inside, he quickly realizes that this new being, though similar, is distinct from him—an intellectual son, perhaps, with inherited characteristics, but also with differences that make him someone else.
     That this quality in the writer is a manifestation of hysteria, or of the so-called split personality, is neither denied nor affirmed by the author of these books. As the helpless slave of his multiplied self, it would be useless for him to agree with one or the other theory about the written results of that multiplication.
     It’s not surprising that this way of making art seems strange; what’s surprising is that there are things that don’t seem strange.

Fernando Pessoa
The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa

The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2013 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.