Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

Will Trade Small Manuscript for Fat Field

The Graduate School of Social Consciousness

A Principle of Child Rearing

She Was Proud, My Mother

The Analog “I” and the Metaphor “Me"

Easy Come, Easy Go

I Wanted to Read Something About the Happy Life

Pessoa Sacrifices His Personality to His "Others"

An Idea Versus the Representation of an Idea

Bertie Wooster on Long Island

Bertie Wooster on Long Island

     Rocky Todd, the pal I went to stay with, is a rummy sort of chap who lives all alone in the wilds of Long Island, and likes it; but a little of that sort of thing goes a long way with me. Dear old Rocky is one of the best, but a little of that sort of thing goes a long way with me. Dear old Rocky is one of the best, but after a few days in his cottage in the woods, miles away from anywhere, New York, even with Motty on the premises, began to look pretty good to me. The days down on Long Island have forty-eight hours in them; you can’t get to sleep at night because of the bellowing of the crickets; and you have to walk two miles for a drink and six for an evening paper. I thanked Rocky for his kind hospitality and caught the only train they have down in those parts. It landed me in New York about dinner-time.

Bertie Wooster in P. G. Wodehouse's
My Man Jeeves

The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2013 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.