Babbington Books

Books in the Arcade of Allusions

A Principle of Child Rearing

She Was Proud, My Mother

The Analog “I” and the Metaphor “Me"

Easy Come, Easy Go

I Wanted to Read Something About the Happy Life

Pessoa Sacrifices His Personality to His "Others"

An Idea Versus the Representation of an Idea

Bertie Wooster on Long Island

He Began by Building Landscapes

She Was the Sister of His Imaginary Friend

She Was the Sister of His Imaginary Friend

     Most children give their imaginary friends up after a while, ignore them, send them away, or let them go, but I kept mine, and along with him I kept his entire family: his enormous half-witted brothers, his sturdy and long-suffering mother, his violent father — a battered, belabored, and disappointed man — and his sultry sister, Ariane. When I was a boy, I was in love with Ariane. She was fascinating, dark and shapely, luscious as a ripe plum, and if she were here now, looking over my shoulder as I write these words, she’d be likely to say, “Take it easy, there, boy. Don’t spread it on quite so thick. Control yourself.”

Peter Leroy
What a Piece of Work I Am

The Peronal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy

Copyright © 2013 by Eric Kraft. All rights reserved. Photographs by Eric Kraft.